
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is coming to an end and as I sit writing I can't help but think how blessed I am to be a mother of two, healthy, vibrant little girls. We did today what we have been doing ever since I became a mommy three years ago. We beached it!

I love going to the beach, wading in the water, collecting shells, building sand castles, soaking in the sun and spending time with 3 of my favorite people. And we did just that! Here is a look back at the previous years...

I am also grateful for all of the women in my life who have showed me what being a mom is all about. (top left) My mother, who is a mother of 4 and grandmother of 8. She is pretty much the glue that holds everyone together. She loves all of her grandchildren and they love their MeMe!

(top right) My mother-in-law, who is one of the sweetest and most thoughtful people I know. She adores our girls and our girls love their SaSa! We can't wait to see you again...hurry back!

(bottom left) My Grandmother, who is a mother of two, grandmother of 7 and great-grandmother of 11! We are so lucky to have her in our lives. She loves life and watching her grandchildren play and interact with one another. She will be 82 this September!

(bottom right)And my sisters, who I have learned many life lessons from over the years. It was definitely helpful(and still is) to watch and observe their pregnancies and child-rearing strategies before I had to experience it on my own.
Days like to today remind me to count my blessings. Thank you to my girls for making me a mother! I love you!

And to All of the other Mommas out there...Happy Mother's Day!


  1. That was a very nice tribute to all the family mothers in your life and ours. Very well expressed.
    Love all of you.

  2. What a great post to honor all the beautiful women in your life. I wish we had good enough weather to go to the beach every year for Mother's day :)


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