
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Who ever said you can't...

play with your food!

We had a little fun while daddy was away this weekend. One of the things we did is make a huge mess! We used these ingredients...
Side note: I bought the cook & serve instead of the instant. I had to cook it on the stove and then let it cool. The instant pudding would have been easier. I still would have had to stick it in the fridge for a bit, but would have been able to skip the stove top step.

to make this...

and do this...

The girls had a blast finger painting and eating it too!

Carson is learning how to spell her name and this was a fun way to practice. We also had a mini lesson on primary and secondary colors. We mixed blue and yellow food coloring to get the green color of the pudding paint.
I had to throw both girls into the tub afterwards. They were a wet, sticky mess, but sure did smell good!

Happy Puddin' Painting!

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