
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Carson's First Haircut

We have been wanting to get Carson's hair trimmed for a while now. It was getting a little stringy and being out in the sun and in the water all summer didn't help. So, we took her this weekend and it was traumatic to say the least. She is a bit of a drama queen though, so I really didn't expect anything less.

To prepare her for her milestone first hair cut I showed her pictures of my husband's first hair cut. He was three years old as well.
She liked looking at his pictures and asked where the pictures of mommy's hair cut were. I told her I would have to ask her MeMe. So, MeMe where are they??? In my baby book?

We went to this little place in the mall called Shortcuts. It's really cute. They have cars and airplanes for the kids to sit in while they get a haircut. They also have tv's at each station to try and distract the kids from what is happening. I suppose it works for some kids, but it didn't for ours:)
"Mommy, hold you." she kept saying.
They gave her fairy dust at the end! Who wouldn't want to get their haircut here?
When we got home her daddy had a tea set waiting for her.
He apparently liked playing tea when he was her age too:) I loved going through his old pictures.
That was our big event this weekend. What did you do?

1 comment:

  1. What fun pictures. Her hair looks great!

    The last picture is too funny!!


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