
Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I received a phone call from one of my good friend's mother the other day. She wanted me to make an outfit for her cousin's daughter's soon to be baby boy. There entire family is from Houma, LA. So, naturally she wanted me to make something with a crawfish. I told her, sadly, I did not have an embroidery design with a crawfish and my computer with the embroidery program is as old as dirt, in the garage and is very temperamental. The program isn't compatible with a MAC wouldn't you know. So we decided I would make her an outfit with a gator on it. Then I spoke to her again and again in her southern accent she asked, "Are you sure you can't get me a crawfish." Well, I don't like to disappoint anyone and knew she had her heart set on a crawfish.

I pulled the computer out of it's burial plot in my garage and set it up. What do you doesn't work. I tried a few times and it still would NOT boot up. After several tries I was about to throw in the towel. Then I remembered my husband having to take out the battery and put it back in, so I tried it...didn't work. I was going try one more thing...If any of you ever had a Nintendo as a kid this will bring back memories....I took out the battery blew in it and put it back...AMAZING! It worked! I found this adorable crawfish machine embroidery applique at Applique for Kids and got to work!

I made baby Aiden a personalized crawfish onesie, matching shorts, burp cloth and bib. I hope baby Aiden enjoys his gift! XOXO


  1. Hi Love your blog! I am following your blog and would love it if you could follow mine!



  2. Hi..I’m Barb…from TTA.. I am your newest follower. I hope you will get a chance to visit my blog @ & get inspired by something for your family/home. I hope you will take a peek and follow me as well. Nice to meet ya new friend!!!


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