
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Case for Smiles...Pillowcase that is!

Have you ever made a pillowcase? I hadn't until last night. And I didn't make just one, but 5! It took less than an hour and I made them for a very special cause...for children...children who are battling cancer.

September is pediatric cancer awareness month and Craft Hope is working in conjunction with ConKerr Cancer to bring smiles to the faces of children with life threatening illnesses. ConKerr Cancer was founded 2 years ago by Cindy Kerr, who's son was diagnosed with cancer in 2002. She began making pillowcases to brighten his hospital room. Since 2008, ConKerr cancer has delivered over 240,000 pillowcases to children in hospitals in five countries. Their goal is to deliver a bright, colorful pillowcase to every child, in North America, battling an illness by 2012. Will you help them reach their goal? If you sew get to it! If you are just beginning to sew, this is the perfect project for you.

This is what you need...
sewing machine
scissors/rotary board/rotary cutter
3/4 of a yard of bright, colorful fabric (cotton or flannel) for the body of the pillow
1/3 of a yard of bright, colorful fabric (cotton or flannel) for the border of the pillow

Wash and iron your fabric and you're ready to begin!
There are many pillowcase tutorials out there, but I used the pillowcase tutorial by Dana from made. It has step-by-step directions, with easy to follow photographs.

After you finish use the directory to find a ConKerr Representative near you.

My mom made 5 pillowcases too! I am going to solicit my friends as well...maybe we will have a pillowcase party!

Here are some pictures of our pillowcases!
My little helper...catching minos in the background.
I took Carson with me to pick out the fabric. She chose the beach club print, dinosaurs and Ariel fabrics.
I think the dinosaurs are my favorite...since I have two girls I don't make a lot of things with dinosaurs...but I should. Girls can like dinosaurs too...right?!
My mom used mainly flannel fabrics with colorful prints (cars, superman, flowers).
I love the Superman fabric. What child doesn't love, or want to feel like a super hero?
I hope our pillowcases bring a little joy and happiness to these brave children. They are the true super heroes!


  1. I am no where near learning to sew. but, I made a donation and I'm out to spread the word. What a wonderful organization!

  2. I am going to do this...looks super easy and for such a great cause. Thanks Sarah...looking forward to FFF tomorrow. I am back and in full blogging force LOL ;)

  3. Hi, I am following you thru the Friday blog hops! cute blog! Please come follow back! Have a great weekend!
    Nicole :)

  4. Found you through the friday blog hops. I'm your newest follower! :)

  5. Hi there! I just posted my pillowcases on Craft Hope's flickr group and noticed your cypress trees while I was checking out the other photos. :) I'm in Florida, too, so I thought I'd pop over and say hi! You and your mom did a great job on the pillowcases!


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