
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fabulous Friday Follow

I hope everyone had a great week! I can't believe it's October! Time to pull out my Halloween decorations and start thinking about costumes and crafts! What Halloween ideas do you have? Time to link up and share your blog, recipe, craft or sewing project!

October 1-5
Every Friday begins with Fabulous Friday Follow Blog Hop
here at
Lily's Laundry and 2Giggle Boxes.

Here's what you do...

1. Follow the LLBB and 2GiggleBoxes, (We will follow you too!)
2. Click on the Linky Tool below and add your blog.
3. Check out the other blogs on "Fabulous Friday Follow" and follow them too.

Linky will close on Tuesday evening at 12 PM PST

Happy Following! (I will be catching up on following you from last FFF)
Have a great weekend!

XOXO, Laura and Sarah

P.S. What is a blog hop you ask!?!?
A Blog Hop, also known as blog hopping, is to move from one blog to another, reading posts or to leaving comments. Where the mission is to gain more followers on your blog!
It's 100% for FUN!


  1. I'm your newest Friday follower! Would love for you to visit me at Mom of all Trades when you get a chance :)

  2. Hi There!

    I'm your newest follower! Have a great weekend!

  3. No Nesty Girl I am the newest follwer. LOL

    Enjoyed reading your posts.


I L-O-V-E comments. I would love to hear from you and check out your blog too!