
Monday, September 20, 2010

A Few New Things...

are being added to the shop...and the shop just got its own Facebook page! If you would like to get up to date listings on clothing become a fan! We would love to have you! Just "click" on the badge below and "Like" us!
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Also, I am taking over the cooking in our house this week. I am not very good at it, but am giving it my best. My husband has been working really hard (at work)the past two weeks and I am trying to help out as much as I can. He usually does the grocery shopping, meal planning and cooking. I am pretty lucky I know...if dinner was always left up to me we would be eating a lot of Mac and Cheese! Anyway, he enjoys it so I go ahead and let him do it:) Who am I to deprive him of that...right?

He is a really good cook, so I fear that I can't live up to his expectations. But I think he enjoyed tonight's meal...

or at least he was nice and said he did:)

We had crab cakes with spring salad and apples. I found the recipe in Food and Wine magazine. I didn't follow it exactly because I couldn't find one of the ingredients...creme fraiche...which I later found out is basically sour cream. I will have to learn some of these fancy food names. I think it went off without a hitch. I didn't burn them under the broiler and it tasted good too:)

The meals I have planned for the rest of the week are...
Skirt Steak with Wedge Salad
Taco Salad
Black Beans and Rice

Who knows maybe I will become the permanent chef in our house!?!
Do you have any good recipes for a novice chef?

Hope your week is off to a great start!

1 comment:

  1. hello!
    I just chose you to receive the ONE LOVELY BLOG award! I was honored with the award from Amanda at Fairy Good Mommy and wanted to pass it on to you for having such a special blog! See it here:



I L-O-V-E comments. I would love to hear from you and check out your blog too!