
Friday, October 22, 2010

30 and a day!

I turned 30 years old yesterday! What did I do for my 30th birthday? No, I didn't have a big party. I am not one for big parties unless someone else is on display:)

I spent the day by myself!!! Rarely do I get any time to myself (even when going to the bathroom). So all I wanted for my birthday was a "Me" day....Does that sound selfish?

My sweet husband granted my wish and took the day off work. He watched the girls while I got my hair cut (it hadn't been cut since April), nails done (who knows the last time)and did a little shopping(shopping...what?). If you have kids you know this task is near to impossible. If I do any shopping I have to have a list handy so I can grab what I need before I lose concentration between feedings, potty breaks, and nap time. It was so nice to be able to browse and try on things at my leisure. I truly had a relaxing day!

While I was out and about enjoying my "Me" day. This is what was going on at home:) A birthday cake was being prepared in my honor! By 3 of my most favorite people! And my husband captured it all on his camera phone.
I love Carson's hair. I think she may have done it herself:)
Chris turned his back for a minute and Clara took full advantage! Way too tempting!

What a special and thoughtful thing to do! I loved it!
I was serenaded and blew out my candles.

Although I throughly enjoyed my day, there was nothing better than to come come to these faces. Thanks for a great birthday! And thanks to my mom who watched the girls last night so we could have a quiet dinner! I am one lucky lady:)


  1. What an awesome 30th Birthday! I get so excited when I get to go to the grocery store alone, so I know a WHOLE DAY must have been refreshing!

  2. Happy Birthday! Those are the cutest pictures!

  3. awww, super cute. i love that. my hubby did that for me this year and the kids decorated it all crazy with icing and sprinkles :) does a mama good.

    glad to have found your blog on the blog hop :)
    can't wait to read more.

  4. Happy Birthday!! Isn't funny Daddy's put the kids on the counter. I never do that but my hubby does and the kids love it!!! I am glad you got some "me" time...
    Have a great week!

    Kelly K


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