
Friday, October 8, 2010

Fabulous Friday Follow

Come join in the blog hopping fun! It's a great way to find new blogs for great ideas and a little inspiration...share your talents and meet some friends along the way.

October 8th-12th

Every Friday begins with Fabulous Friday Follow Blog Hop
here at
Lily's Laundry and 2Giggle Boxes.

Here's what you do...

1. Follow the LLBB and 2GiggleBoxes. (We will follow you too!)
2. Click on the Linky Tool below and add your blog.
3. Check out the other blogs on "Fabulous Friday Follow"

Linky will close on Tuesday evening at 12 PM PST

Thanks to everyone who comes back for FFF every week.
We appreciate it. Happy Fabulous Friday!

Happy Following!
XOXO, Laura and Sarah


  1. Stopping by to say hi form FFF!!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Hi, I’m your newest follower - thanks for hosting!

  3. Found you on the blog hop and am now following your blog. I am looking forward to receiving updates from your blog. Would love a follow back - Kentucky Frugalista. Have a wonderful day!

  4. I am a new follower from a blog hop! Would love for you to check out my blog and follow back1


I L-O-V-E comments. I would love to hear from you and check out your blog too!