
Monday, November 1, 2010

My Little Chickadee

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween! I am trying NOT to dive into any of the girls' Halloween candy...very tempting.

I finished Clara's costume in the nick of time. The first go around didn't work out. I posted this picture the other day...
I was originally going to make a little skirted onesie using the yellow chiffon and tack feathers all over the bodice. When I tried it on her she cried. I think the feathers were itchy and uncomfortable. So I went with plan B, which I think worked out better.
*Tutu- elastic, ribbon, tulle, chiffon, and feathers.
* yellow tank -Target this past summer.
* little leggings -shirt I had found at the thrift store a while back
*yellow headband - embellished with feathers
* booties -Target...
and Viola...a little Chickadee!

Carson decided to be a "kitty cat" THIS time. Luckily we had everything on hand(black t-shirt, tutu, leggings, ears and an eyeliner pencil)!
All in all the girls had a wonderful Halloween with their friends and family. They enjoyed a hay ride and trick-or-treating! We are looking forward to next year!

Have a great week everyone!


  1. Hi Sara.I just stopped by your little giggle boxes... muunhhh. so darling... in the yellow dress she looks so cute and I love her bit naughty smile in her eyes... absolutely darling babies. both of them, may God always gives them every happiness and successes in their life with the perfect health ever after,my kids are grown up now and these little kids are my love always. A very sweet kiss for both of them from my side.
    I would love if you peek a bit at my place at
    hope your crafty soul like it.

  2. Love the chick precious! Wish I was that creative...maybe next year ;)

  3. Oh my word how adorable is that little chick!! You are so creative. I adore that costume!!

  4. Thanks everyone! It was so fun and easy to make. And she didn't even put up a fuss about wearing it:) Hope everyone is well! Have a great weekend!

  5. Absolutely gorgeous pics of your treasures. They look adorable in their mommy-made costumes. What a clever lady!!!

  6. Just too cute.
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