
Tuesday, June 15, 2010


can be a daunting task! Especially if you have little ones you have to pack for. If you are a mom you know what I mean. It seems like you have to pack the entire house just for a few days away. I have to admit I am not the best when it comes to being organized and I always seem to forget something. Forgetting something can be costly at a resort so I am determined to change my ways and remember EVERYTHING! So I made this list...

Packing for Vacation List

I am a big list person. I love making them. It's so satisfying to visually see what you have accomplished. I often add things to my daily to do lists (tasks I have already completed) just so I can cross them off!

I thought this list may help some of you pack for summer vacation. Lists are personal and everything may not pertain to you (for example you may not need formula, bottles, or contacts). Or you may be going somewhere that requires warmer clothing, but it could be a starting point for your own list. That way whenever you need to go somewhere you just print it out and cross off each item as you pack it!

Now I have to figure out how to get ALL of this stuff into 3 bags so we won't get charged for extra bags...

Happy Packing (and crossing off)!


  1. Pack your clothes in ziploc bags. Lay on them to squeeze all of the air out. You can fit way more in a suitcase so you need fewer bags!

    ANd if you want to be even more organized you can make the ziplocs by outfit by day.

  2. Thanks Elyse! I will definitely try that next trip. One of our bags was 3 pounds over the limit...urrrg! They had already sent our other two through or I would have stuffed some of our things in those bags. Can you believe they charge $50 for extra bags...highway robbery I tell you!


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