
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

We Made It!

We are here in beautiful Paradise Island, Bahamas! Yea! I wanted to post some pictures of our journey, motley crew(there are 14 of us) and first day here, but it's kinds hard to do that when you forget the cord to your However, I did remember the camera itself and the charger! I guess I need to add camera cord to my packing list:)

As far as the rest of my packing went...(I think it took me 3 days to get things together) I managed to fit all of our belongings into 3 bags. BUT it doesn't really count as 3 bags if one of your bags is over the weight limit(by 3 pounds)! That's right it weighed in at 53 pounds. Do you know what the cost of an extra bag is??? Any guesses??? 50 smack-a-roos! I would have taken some things out of the hefty bag and put them into one of the others, but they already sent the others through...Ooooh well what are you gonna do? I know relax, enjoy my family, eat, sleep, sun, swim, and sing along with Taylor Swift!

Have a wonderful evening!

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