
Friday, August 13, 2010

Fabulous Friday Follow
August 13th-18th
It's that time again! Fabulous Friday Follow...Slowly but surely we are getting the hang of this Blog Hop thing. If you are here PLEASE leave a comment so we can return the favor and FOLLOW YOU BACK!

Laura, from Lily's Laundry Boutique, who is a good girlfriend/sorority sister of mine from UF
is hosting the Fabulous Friday Follow with me.

We are keeping it simple.

Here's what you do...

1. Follow the LLBB and 2GiggleBoxes (We will follow you too!)
2. Click on the Linky Tool below and add your blog.
3. Check out the other blogs on "Fabulous Friday Follow" and follow them too.

We will pick another person from this weeks Linky List who has a "FABULOUS" blog to host with us the week of August 27th-September 1st.

Linky will close on Wednesdayevening and the "FABULOUS" blog will be notified on Thursday, the 19th, via email!

Happy Following!

XOXO, Laura and Sarah

1 comment:

I L-O-V-E comments. I would love to hear from you and check out your blog too!