I embarked on a new venture...smocking! This past week I took my first smocking class at one of my favorite specialty sewing stores...
Keep Me in Stitches. Before the class we were asked to purchase a book to help prepare us. There were three books to choose from:
A~Z of Smocking,
Sew Cute Couture and
Joy of Smocking. They were all great books with a ton of information and Sew Cute Couture even had several patterns included. However, I chose A~Z of Smocking as I thought it was the best fit for me as a beginner. So I read up a little in anticipation for my class. There was so much to learn...everything from how the fabric is pleated to materials needed and particular stitches. I knew right off the bat that it would take much more than a 3 hour class to become proficient in this craft.
The day came. The only other materials (besides our book) we were to bring with us was a tape measure and scissors. The rest would be provided (needles, DMC thread, pre-pleated piece of fabric). Well, mornings aren't the smoothest at our house. After getting the girls up and dressed fed, teeth brushed, hair combed, bag packed, lunch packed, Carson dropped at school and Clara at my mom's the only thing I remembered to bring was the tape measure I stuck in my pocket on the way out the door! Oh well! I ended up splurging on a pair of Heritage embroidery scissors, which I love! And I had a kind "neighbor" that allowed me to glance at her book.
Our teacher, Annette, was fabulous. She began by explaining how the fabric was pleated and how to tie off our thread so the thread wouldn't slip.
Pleaters can be somewhat costly, so I am going to make sure I REALLY like smocking before I invest in one. Annette mentioned there are pleating services too.
and took us through a few basic stitches...cable, trellis, diamond and a bullion and smocked rose. She also showed us how to center a design and knot our thread off if we needed to switch colors or begin a new design.
Yes, this is all I did in three hours time! It was fun and I will definitely be doing more smocking in the future. It is going to take, what any other hobby takes...practice, practice, practice!
Lots of practice if I want to be able to make some of these one day...
Hope everyone has a fabulous Monday!