For the embellished onesies and bibs...
I wanted to use fabric with colors that were not primarily pink. As a mom of two girls I received a ton of pink. And while I love pink I wanted to do something different. I used Anna Maria Horners Voile for the ruffle bum, flower and front of the bib.
I monogrammed the reverse side of her bib using a sunshine yellow thread.
For the short sleeve onesie I used Weekends in Lime Lilly Rose fabric to make a little skirt and monogrammed the onesie using a lavender thread to match the lavender roses. The bib has an "E" applique to match!

And the gift tags...
When you become a parent your social calendar is suddenly full of birthday parties. We love attending birthday parties and know little Eden will too. So what better than personalized gift tags to include with her presents for all of those parties she will soon be attending.
I used Word to create the gift tags for Eden in pink and brown and printed them out on business cards.
Then I hole punched the corner. I cut the fuchsia ribbon 14" long and burned the ends with a lighter to prevent any fraying.
Wrapped them up in a clear bag( from Michaels) tied with the same fuchsia ribbon.
I also made a basket label. These are perfect for labeling all of those storage baskets and adding a decorative, personalized touch at the same time. I am working on a tutorial coming later today! This one has Eden's monogram. I used the colors of her room (raspberry, pink and mocha). The basket would be perfect for baby essentials or diapers for the changing table AND doubles as a gift basket.
I put all of her gifts into the basket...
and wrapped them up!
Happy shower baby Eden! Can't wait to celebrate with you and your momma!
Have been scanning your blog and your crafts are amazing. Don't have the artistry to even try most of it but may try some of the stuff that looks not too bad, like the koozie or the flip flop decorating.
Oh I love this! All of this! I could learn so much from you! Thanks for stopping by. Going to become a follower right now!
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